GPO: Add Specific items in ‘All Programs’ on the start menu


Disabled all the items in the 'All Programs' via GPO using Windows Server 2012

I have set "Remove common program groups from Start Menu" to Enabled.

Everything in 'All Programs' is now empty, how do I add specific items such as Internet Explorer, Notepad and Microsoft Word in the 'All Programs'?

Best Answer

You can't do this by using traditional Group Policies, but what you need to do is copy shortcuts (.lnk) to the appropriate directory.

You could achieve this by using Group Policy Preferences, or a startup / logon script etc.

If you're redirecting your start menu, then that's the location you need to copy your shortcuts into.

If not, then by default the start menu locations on Server 2012 are:

All Users

(NB: The GPO you've configured works by disabling this location. However, I'm leaving it here for info)

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

Specific User

C:\users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup