GPO not applying to user


I'm testing setting user printers via group policy and I'm running into a strange issue.

I created a new OU and then another sub OU. I then created a new blank GPO called IT as you can see in the following picture:


I then moved my user account to the IT OU. The test desktop I am logging into is under the Desktops OU. When I log into the computer and run a gpresult I can see the default domain policy and the desktop GP applied but not the IT GPO.

If I move the computer to the IT OU then it will pick up the GPO. But if only my user account is in there it doesn't get applied.

Guessing I'm missing something very simple here, but so far I haven't been able to figure it out. This is the first time I've tried applying a GPO directly to a user. Usually we just apply to a computer and loopback process for the users.

Best Answer

Have you double checked the Desktops GPO to see if Loopback Policy Processing is enabled? It sounds like it's enabled in Replace mode. If that's the case then the user settings in your IT GPO are being replaced by the user settings in your Desktop GPO.

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