GPO Security Filtering Not Working


I have a problem with my domain, were the group policies aren't applying.

I currently have two security groups; 1) 32bit clients 2) 64 bit clients
In these two groups are our different computers, running 32bit and 64bit Windows 7.

In the GPMC I have made two policies that affect both the user’s desktop and computer settings. Now all I want to do is set it so the 32bit group get the 32bit policy, and the 64bit computers get the 64bit policy, but it isn't working.

Following various guides online to set up security filtering, I linked the GPO to the domain, went into the delegation tab, opened the ACL, unticked apply for Authenticated Users, added the 32 or 64 group, then clicked read and apply for them. I then went back to the client (in this case a 64bit PC), and once gpupdate /force had been completed, I ran a gpresult and it says that the GPO hasn’t been applied due to "Access Denied (Security Filtering)".

This has baffled me, as I've checked the PC is in the 64bit group, checked the read and apply settings but no luck. I've tried adding and removing Authenticated Users from the Security Filtering tab, but with no luck.

It's annoying me because this should be so simple!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Windows Server 2008

Best Answer

The message "Access Denied (Security Filtering)" usually means that the computer settings were not applied due to gpupdate was not run from an elevated command prompt.

Also, I would use a wmi filter, so you don't need to manage groups. Another limitation with groups is the group membership does not take effect until a computer is restarted.

Windows 7 x64:
SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE Version LIKE "6.1%" AND ProductType="1" AND OSArchitecture = "64-bit"

Windows 7 x86:
SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE Version LIKE "6.1%" AND ProductType="1" AND NOT OSArchitecture = "64-bit"

More information:

Create WMI Filters for the GPO