GPO Settings for Kerberos Authentication in Active Directory


My customer requires SSO in Windows domain for my Linux-based web/application server. Server have its own keytab installed and it all does work fine. Windows domain (EXAMPLE.ORG) have a service user account with SPN HTTP/ associated. My application server (WildFly) require Kerberos authentication and deny NTLM authentication.

I have test domain (2016-based) which was created with default settings. I am trying to repeat this setup in test domain and I can't make Kerberos work. I see negotiation request from server, but client always return NTLM ticket.

WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate                 (request)
Authorization: Negotiate TlRMTVNTU.....     (reply)

In customer infrastructure I see the same with Kerberos ticket

WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate                 (request)
Authorization: Negotiate YIIHmAYGKw....     (reply)

The only difference (besides GPO) that I see is that my SPN is not inside same DNS domain. My AD domain is and server is, I don't know if that matters.

A while ago I had same problem within domain too. Both IE client and Windows Server 2016 with IIS joined in same domain were using NTLM too.

I believe there are few GPO settings regulating how client may or may not authorize, but none of documents I've read helped.

Is there any clear description what restrictions Kerberos client authentication have or any hint or debugging strategy that can be applied?

Best Answer

There are several restrictions when Windows do not even attempt Kerberos authorization.

1. SPN point to PTR, not web alias

If your non-domain-member webserver have an alias you have no need to assign SPN on that alias. It would be checked against real DNS record of that server.

Let's say you have this:

A record ->
PTR record ->
CNAME record ->

Accessing you do not need SPN HTTP/, you should assign HTTP/ to the service record ONLY. I believe it should be an IP address if there is no PTR record as well.

2. Domain members should NOT be called by any other name.

I have a domain member server with IIS and Windows Integrated Authentication enabled. Due to my network setup it has DNS setup in both non-domain and domain network: -> ->

And it also registered in domain: ->

This server would not allow Kerberos if being accessed as, Kerberos will work only if it is been accessed as It even will not work if it is accessed via IP address.

I guess the nature of this fact caused by windows name resolution in domain which usually happens before DNS.

I will continue searching and will update this answer.