Active Directory – GPResult Error: User Does Not Have RSoP Data


Is there a way to get gpresult to work without never logging in to computer as an actual user?

Lets say UserA is logging in to computer XYZ. You login via TeamViewer to it or are there locally as AdminA, you right click Run As Administrator, type in your administative credentials you type in the famous gpresult /R command to get computer GPO's and it's simply not there.

gpresult /R
INFO: The user adm.test does not have RSoP data.

You try to do it remotely and it fails as well…

INFO: The user does not have RSoP data.

How to force it so you can actually get that data as Domain Admin or Administrator on that computer (but not a user) and a user that has never actually logged in to that computer?

For years I thought this was just "working" but it seems I've always been logged in to the computer via RDP or other means and it always worked. Now it doesn't… and I need a way to debug this properly.

Is my only option actually to login as standard user and then do the commands?

Best Answer

Yes, it can be done without doing a interactive login, although you need to know a user that has actually done an interactive login on that computer. In your case, UserA would do it. Then, from an elevated prompt:

gpresult /user UserA /scope computer /r

Also, from a remote computer:

gpresult /s RemoteComputer /user UserA /scope computer /r

I really don't get why you need to specify a user when using /scope computer, but this is how it works...