Gpxe Server hangs on loading ISO image


My PXE Server (gpxe) is configured properly and I tested it a couple of times with different installations. However, sometimes it hangs while loading the ISO image which usually requires a reboot. A screen capture of the gpxe loading my ISO files would look like this:

Loading Memdisk
Loading http://192.168.x.x/images/redhat_linux_6.iso...............................

And it hangs. As I said a reboot usually fix the problem but I need to know why.

I am not sure where should I look or what I should change to have it load with no interruptions.

Now I cannot get the PXE server to load my ISO image, and it hangs consistently. I will tcpdump it and post it.

Best Answer

  1. A memdisk approach usually needs RAM >= 1.3 x ISO image size at the client; could it be you are running out of memory?
  2. A memdisk approach will fail as soon as the booted kernel enters in protected mode.
  3. gpxe/ipxe are full of feature projects but also full of bugs and inconsistencies. Also gpxe hasn't been maintained in long time.

Today a safe PXE server when installing Linux initially boots kernel/initrd by TFTP transfers and next NFS/CIFS/HTTP shares transfer the rest of components on regular install distros or the big squashfs file in case of live distros.