Graphite-API & Grafana: dashboard stuck: “Refresh every {{ctrl.dashboard.refresh}}”


My grafana dashboard seem to be stuck, I believe to have accidentally pressed ctrl+z for zoom.

I see the following instead of the normal time-picker:
Refresh every {{ctrl.dashboard.refresh}}

enter image description here

grafana dashboard stuck

  • tried to export & import but result is the same problem
  • can't find any issue with the graph itself (metrics etc)
  • datsource seems to be working (tested ok, other dashboards show info ok)
  • tried to understand difference between other json export and this particular json file but didn't find the troubling issue

Best Answer

Spotted the error in the JSON file after all.

Looks like time block was wrong, it was:

"time": {
    "from": null,
    "to": null

and I changed that too:

"time": {
   "from": "now-3h",
   "to": "now"

sadly I could not find how to do that from the interface itself in browser.

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