Group Policy Object not applied to client computer


I am taking over our entire Microsoft based management, this includes our AD servers, GPOs, etc.

So with that being said, I don't know everything about how this setup is configured. However, I have noticed that we seem to be having a lot of permissions based issues with GPO's, or with users that can't change their own attributes on their account. I believe the issue stems from SYSVOL being inaccessible according to Group Policy Management tool, but not sure. SYSVOL itself is available according to "net share".

I don't know of a sure fire way to go through and automatically check "basic" permissions on accounts, to verify that they have access, however I have double checked that the "Authenticated Users" group has at least read permissions on all GPOs. I have run dcdiag and repadmin. The results of dcdiag which can be found here:

Datacenter Master Domain Controller
Office DC

repadmin results show that everything was completed successfully. There are no errors on any of the servers.

When a user applies does a "gpupdate.exe /force" and the computer reboots (as we do software installs) and when I go to look at "gpresult.exe /z" under their own account, I always see the only applied policy as "Default Domain Policy" there is nothing else.

For instance, I have created a "Allow non-administrators to install Printers" GPO that is applied to "" OU which is currently set to linked and enforced. I then run "gpupdate.exe /force" followed by "gpresult.exe /z" it doesn't respond. If I then duplicate our "Default Domain Policy" and modify the settings to represent what I had in the "Allow non-administrators to install Printers" GPO, and call it "Non-admin installation of printers" it is successfully applied. Below are the photos of said GPO:

(apparently I can't post any more links to the photos)

Anyways, hopefully you get my point at this time.

Best Answer

Regarding the GPO issue, you say that Authenticated users are set to Read on all GPOs, have they also been given the Apply permission? both will need to set before the GPO applies. Make sure the users / computers are in the OU where you link the GPO or that you link the GPO to the domain level.

SYSVOL is important for GPOS, it is where the Group Policy Templates live and are replicated from there t other DC's, this problem sounds more like a permissions problem or a problem of where the policy is linked.