Grouping extensions in Asterisk


We have an asterisk based phone system with multiple clients connected to it.
At the moment, all the extension numbers fall in the range 100 – 9999. But, now we have an issue where a particular customer wants to come onto our service and insists on keeping their existing extension list.

Is there a way of having extensions 700 for one customer, and also the same number range to another customer. But yet having them belong to a different group?

I see there is a concept of groups in asterisk but none of them seem to provide a solution to this.

Best Answer

Have you looked at putting the different extension "groups" in different contexts in the extensions (and sip) config files?

Its been a while since I did it, but believe you would just need to give the default context to the SIP devices (in sip.conf) so that the devices for the "new" client would live in their own context and not cross contexts.
