Gsutil from gcloud/Google Cloud SDK failing with “SyntaxError: invalid syntax” error in bcrypt


Trying to use gsutil today I got the following error:

+ gsutil cp -nra public-read a gs://b

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cryptography/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed in a future release.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/", line 13, in <module>
    import bootstrapping
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bootstrapping/", line 44, in <module>
    from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import store as c_store
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/credentials/", line 40, in <module>
    from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import creds as c_creds
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/credentials/", line 34, in <module>
    from googlecloudsdk.core.credentials import devshell as c_devshell
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/core/credentials/", line 33, in <module>
    from google.oauth2 import credentials
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party/google/oauth2/", line 43, in <module>
    from google.oauth2 import _client
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party/google/oauth2/", line 35, in <module>
    from google.auth import jwt
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party/google/auth/", line 57, in <module>
    from google.auth import _service_account_info
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party/google/auth/", line 22, in <module>
    from google.auth import crypt
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party/google/auth/crypt/", line 43, in <module>
    from google.auth.crypt import rsa
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party/google/auth/crypt/", line 20, in <module>
    from google.auth.crypt import _cryptography_rsa
  File "/usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party/google/auth/crypt/", line 25, in <module>
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/serialization/", line 22, in <module>
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh import (
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/serialization/", line 27, in <module>
    from bcrypt import kdf as _bcrypt_kdf
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bcrypt/", line 57
    def gensalt(rounds: int = 12, prefix: bytes = b"2b") -> bytes:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I'm running gsutil with Python 2 (export CLOUDSDK_GSUTIL_PYTHON=python2) and it seems like the tool or the OS installed bcrypt 3.2.0 over night which dropped support for Python 2.

This breaks the gsutil tool.

Best Answer

The fix is to manually downgrade to bcrypt 3.1.7 before running the tool:

sudo pip install --system bcrypt==3.1.7