GUI in MacOS for defaults


I'm not a Mac person (yet, plan to add that to the repertoire this year) but I've been following a lot of the Mac questions on SF. The defaults command comes up a lot and from the context of the questions / answers I get what it does. Just curious, is there a GUI for editing the settings? Seems to me that this would be somewhat analagous to the registry editor in Windows (although I expect that the registry does much more).

Best Answer

Yes and no. Mac OS X doesn't have a unified registry like Windows; instead, it stores preferences in individual .plist files.

When you execute a defaults write command, it stores the change in ~/Library/Preferences. As an example, the command to change the Dock from the 3D glass look to a more basic 2D shade is:

defaults write no-glass -boolean YES

What this does is it modifies ~/Library/Preferences/ and changes no-glass to true. The Mac OS X developer utilities contain a program called Property List Editor that will allow you to edit the file with a GUI: alt text

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