HAProxy: How to Annotate an IP Whitelist File


In my "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" file, I specify a whitelist file that contains IP addresses that are permitted to access a frontend.

frontend default-frontend

    tcp-request connection reject if ! { src -f /etc/haproxy/templates/ip-whitelist.txt }


The contents of "/etc/haproxy/templates/ip-whitelist.txt" look like this:

This works great! Until I want to clean up the file and remove IPs for people who no longer need access.

Question: Is it possible to add comments to an haproxy template file?

I have tried this: # Dylan Reeve # Jane Doe # Priscilla Ahmed # Sayed Salas

… which returns errors similar to:

[ALERT] : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:123] : 'tcp-request connection reject' :
    error detected in frontend 'default-frontend' while parsing 'if' condition : 
    ' # Dylan Reeve' is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
    at line 1 of file '/etc/haproxy/templates/ip-whitelist.txt'
[ALERT] : Error(s) found in configuration file : /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
[ALERT] : Fatal errors found in configuration.

Worst case scenario: I have to keep separate list in another location to match IPs with names.

Best Answer

As per HAProxy v1.8 documentation, this should work:

# Dylan Reeve
# Jane Doe

Taken from 1.8 docs (I've been doing this on 1.6 as well):

The "-f" flag is followed by the name of a file from which all lines will be read as individual values. It is even possible to pass multiple "-f" arguments if the patterns are to be loaded from multiple files. Empty lines as well as lines beginning with a sharp ('#') will be ignored. All leading spaces and tabs will be stripped. If it is absolutely necessary to insert a valid pattern beginning with a sharp, just prefix it with a space so that it is not taken for a comment.

Or you could try using HAProxy maps which I think are complete overkill for your use case.