HAProxy: configuring SSL with Let’s Encrypt


I just generate a new SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt. Now I'm trying to configure HAProxy.

These are the folders and certificates:

700  archive
     |--------> 755 company.cxx
                    |------------> 644 fullchain.pem
                    |------------> 644 cert.pem
                    |------------> 644 (etc.)  

Right now, these are the permissions of folders and soft links to the certificates in the archive folder:

700  live
     |--------> 755 company.cxx
                    |------------> 777 fullchain.pem
                    |------------> 777 cert.pem
                    |------------> 777 (etc.)         

HAProxy is configured like this:

frontend public
    bind :80
    bind :443 ssl crt /etc/letsencrypt/live/company.cxx/fullchain.pem

And the error is this:

Proxy 'public': no SSL certificate specified for bind ':443' at [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:12] (use 'crt').
Fatal errors found in configuration.

I don't know if the permissions are the problem, but I'm worried about which would be the right way to do this with HAProxy. I will appreciate your help.

EDIT: Just for testing, I tried copying the certificates to /etc/haproxy but it didn't work.

Best Answer

The solution is explained on DigitalOcean. In short:

  • Create a pem file concatenating fullchain.pem and privkey.pem
  • Move that new file to /etc/haproxy/certs
  • Configure HAProxy
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