HAProxy Interface/eth aware binding as non root user


I have 2 network interfaces on my instance (eth0 and eth1) I am trying to setup HAProxy to be interface aware and have separate frontends per interface.

The config below works as root (ie. i do not set user haproxy portion). Wondering if there is a way to bind to interfaces and still run as non root user?

https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.6/management.html#13 suggests that root privileges are required only for outbound interface awareness – is the documentation partial or am i missing some setting?

Config snippet

    #Works only without below line but its implication is running as root user
    user haproxy 
frontend frontend_tcp_eth1
    mode tcp
    bind interface eth1

Best Answer

You try to bind to port 80


This is a privileged port


To bind to this port you will need root privileges as described in the documentation.


  • bind to privileged port numbers