HAProxy Multi-Process TLS Proxying doesn’t pass TLS Info on


We get enough TLS traffic on HAProxy now that a single process isn't able to cope with the number of new TLS connections.

After seeing how StackOverflow uses a TLS proxy on processes 2-N that sends traffic back to process 1, I started experimenting with that, as the default behavior (each process acting independently) is less than ideal.

I've now effectively got a configuration like this:

  nbproc 3
  cpu-map 1 0 
  cpu-map 2 1 
  cpu-map 3 2

  stats bind-process all 

  stats socket /haproxy/proc1.sock mode 666 level admin process 1
  stats socket /haproxy/proc2.sock mode 666 level admin process 2 
  stats socket /haproxy/proc2.sock mode 666 level admin process 3 

  log global 
  mode http 
  option dontlognull

listen tlsproxy
  bind-process 2 3 
  bind ssl crt /haproxy/example.com.pem 
  mode tcp
  option tcplog 

  server fe_www abns@fe_www.sock send-proxy 

frontend fe_www 
  bind-process 1 
  bind abns@fe_www.sock accept-proxy 

  default_backend be_www

backend be_www 
  bind-process 1 

  server www01

This works.

However, information about the TLS connection is not available to fe_www

This causes two problems:

ACLs that use TLS connection information (eg to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS) are now broken, as everything is now a non-secure connection.

HTTP Logging of information like the TLS Version, TLS Ciphers, etc is broken – that information is not carried across.

I've tried swapping the use of abstract named sockets for loopback IP bindings, but this doesn't help.

Is there a way to bring the TLS information across in the proxied connection?

Best Answer

You can use send-proxy-v2-ssl to send SSL related information but as discussed in this ML thread HAProxy does not implement yet the parsing of those information in the receiving part (accept-proxy).

The only solution here is as suggested by "gf_", you need to use mode http in the tlsproxy part and do all the ssl related actions (ACLs, redirects, logging) there.