Haproxy redirection not working using pathname


I know i have asked this before but i dint get any answers for the question.So basically i have a node js app running on port 5000.I have successfully redirected this to port 8080 using the following haproxy configuration-

frontend http-in
    mode    http

    bind *:8080

    acl path-employeeList              path_beg -i /  
    use_backend employeeList-backend   if path-employeeList

backend employeeList-backend
    mode    http

    option  httplog
    option  forwardfor

    server  appserver1

I can now access my app now at But now in this url, instead of using the portnumber (8080) ,i want to access my app using a made up path name like /ProcessDesigner.ie,the app should be reachable at

What i have tried so far

frontend http-in
    mode    http

    bind *:8080

    acl path-page-designer              path_beg -i /ProcessDesigner
    use_backend page-designer-backend   if path-page-designer

backend page-designer-backend
    mode    http

    option  httplog
    option  forwardfor
    http-request set-path /ProcessDesigner

    server  appserver1

when I hit it says the site cannot be reached. I am doing this so that the user doesn't have to remember the port number and can just access using the pathname. So for this how should i change my configuration.Plz help by showing an example using my config!!

UPDATE using http to https redirection(80->443) and reqrep in the backend.

frontend http-in
    mode    http

    bind *:80
    bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/private/mydomain.pem
    http-request redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }

    acl path-employeeList              path_beg -i /ProcessDesigner
    use_backend employeeList-backend   if path-employeeList

backend employeeList-backend
    mode    http

    option  httplog
    option  forwardfor
    reqrep  ^([^\ :]+)\ /ProcessDesigner/?(.*)$  \1\ /\2

    server  appserver1

Now with this updated configuration when i hit it says
503 service unavailable ( No server is available to handle this request.) and when i hit I dont see any errors anymore but just a blank white page.Although I can see the tab name "sample" which indicates or atleast seems as if it has reached the application , there is no output but just a blank white screen.

Best Answer

What I can see in Your "what I have tried" example: You still bind to Port 8080 instead of just 80 so the site cannot be reached.

In addition the following line is probably not what You want.

http-request set-path /ProcessDesigner

It causes the request always to the backend to be always /ProcessDesigner, possibly with a query string appended.

I can imagine You need a line like the following instead to strip the /ProcessDesigner from the URI sent to backend:

reqrep  ^([^\ :]+)\ /ProcessDesigner/?(.*)$  \1\ /\2

But keep in mind the application should be properly designed to only deliver relative paths for application-local ressources within the response body (or need at least to be configurable that You can set the base path for such paths).
And it might be necessary to also rewrite the response Headers like location for redirects and set-cookie for cookies (further well-known but less common headers where this would apply are uri and content-location) as ideally the application does not need to know the URL prefix the client used for access but the cookie must be marked with the path the browser accesses the site (the rsprep exists to do such things on the response headers).

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