HAProxy roundrobin weights

haproxyload balancing

I'm attempting to modify my current haproxy configuration to favor 1 server over the others (70%,15,15) Does anyone know if this is possible? Reading the docs I see a "weight" option, but I'm a bit weary of messing around with production servers.

Here's my current config:

listen MySQL
   mode tcp
   balance roundrobin
   option persist
   server sql1
   server sql2
   server sql3

Best Answer

There is a weight operator for the server line.
This works withing a range 0-256 where, 0 bypasses a server from the loop.
You should lookup these in the HAproxy Configuration.txt.

For a 75-15-15 distribution the weights should probably be 22-10-10.

I would expect the server lines to look like these, but please recheck with the notes or some better references.

   server sql1 weight 22
   server sql2 weight 10
   server sql3 weight 10