HELO command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname


Trying to send an E-Mail to some stricter set up MXs I get:

<local_hostname>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname (in reply 
to RCPT TO command)

Of course, when setting $myhostname in main.cf the Mail gets delivered correctly, but that brings me into conflict with my default virtual hostname being the hostname of the Box itself, and the incoming mails to hostname.org are treated as to be delivered by the LDA, eg. to "local_hostname"

$myorigin and $mydomain didnt seem to change the HELO response either, any suggestions?

Best Answer

From an edit to the original question:

http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/how-to-map-local-addresses-to-fqdn-addresses-with-postfix-894863/ setting mydestination to " " and then changing $myhostname to the FQDN solved the Problem.