High Availability Options for MSMQ


We plan to develop a highly available system based on Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ). Currently we are collecting high availability options for MSMQ. We plan to use Windows Server 2008R2 as the underlying operating system.

Which specific technologies are available to make the MSMQ service highly available?

We looked into Windows Failover Clustering and NLB but Clustering seems to have way too high failover times (more than 10 seconds) and NLB does not support transactional messaging.

Does anyone have experience with solutions like VM Ware Fault Tolerance or something similiar?
Are you aware of any other solutions providing high availability for MSMQ while supporting low failover times (< 5 seconds) and transactional messaging?

Best Answer

You're definitely going to want to look into the Server 2008 Clustering feature. You can configure the message queuing service application to provide high availability and fault tolerance. The main prerequisite to setting this up is having a SAN in place.


Also if for a great overview on how to set this up visit the Microsoft Virtual Lab: http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7091154

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