Home Backup Strategy for Large Amounts of Data


Kind of similar to this question, but I wanted to talk specifically about backing up 200+GB of data. I am an amateur photographer with 3 years of high resolution PSD's and RAW files filling up my hard drives. Current capacity is about 250GB or so, but it is increasing since I got a higher resolution camera.

Currently I have a simple linux based NAS, but that will run out of space soon, and it lives in the closet next to my workstation, so if the house burns down, everything will still be gone.

What other (hopefully moderately priced) options are there? I looked at S3, but I think that would be too expensive based on the volume of data. Maybe even something as simple as another external drive backed up periodically and moved via sneakernet?

EDIT: To be a little clearer, I'm not so worried about local backup, but offsite.

Best Answer

JWZ has some pretty good advice. Ignore the bit for Windows users and get rsync via Cygwin if you're on Windows. Cheap commodity drives and rsync for the win.

Backing up a live operating system can be touchy. Taking a snapshot first is recommended if you have that capability.

I don't consider 250GB to be a large amount of data, but I may be biased. At my day job, we're ordering disk by the petabyte.

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