Home/end keys are not working correctly in the bash CLI for a jailed user using PuTTY


I'm using PuTTY to access my U14.04 LTS server via SSH.

When I log in using my main account, the number pad keys work fine in the BASH CLI.

When I log in to a user who's been jailed using Jailkit, the home/end keys return a '~' character and bell in the CLI (Pgup, PgDn also do the same). Although these keys are working fine when I'm editing a file using nano, for example.

My $TERM variable is set to 'xterm', and I've copied '.bashrc' from my main account to this user, so folders are showing in their normal colors and aliases are working.

Can someone advice me, what I'm missing in the jail that is preventing the keyboard from being configured correctly? Maybe a binary isn't accessible from the jail, or a config setting for the user?

Best Answer

The problem is not in the terminal settings, they are surely o.k., because nano and other ncurses programs work.

The problem is nearly surely on the command line things, which are handled by the readline library. Its configuration file named as inputrc. It can be found either in /etc/inputrc, or in ~/.inputrc in your home. The first is or isn't copied by your jailkit, the second is probably not.

Check the availability and the contents of the inputrc in your root (not-jailed) file hierarchy, and its availability in your jail as well.