Host website over local network


Is it possible to host a website on the local network with a Windows XP computer as a host?

Also I would like to have the user have to login to access the website (just in case).

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You absolutely can! The only requirement for XP is that it is Professional Edition.

I would suggest IIS as it is easier to setup the password protection as you can use windows privileges to control it.

Go to "Control Panel" > "Add or Remove Programs" and on the left side click "Add/Remove Windows Components" Check off "Internet Information Services (IIS)" make sure you have your windows disk as it is required to install this component.

If you need help in how to setup IIS for a website check this link out

As for a password it can be done a few ways. One way is in IIS right click your site and select properties. Navigate to the Directory Security Tab and click "Edit" on the "Anonymous access and authentication control" You can uncheck "Anonymous Access" and setup "Authenticated Access" below.

This is to setup IIS 5.1 on Windows XP. IIS 7.5 for Windows 7 is much improved if you can get your hands on a copy of Windows 7 you will be doing yourself a favor.

Make sure your firewall on the local machine is open on your websites port or your networked computers will not be able to browse to the local site.

Hope this helps.

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