Hostname confusion (Ubuntu Server 10.04)


I have just setup Ubuntu 10.04 Server Edition. I have been following this tutorial.

The DNS information seems to be setup correctly now, but I am confused about the hostname. Currently it is laughingbuddha.home. That is a name I created.

Now, I am mainly not sure how to connect from another computer on my network. I basically want to be able to put PHP files on the server box and then test them via a web browser on my other computer.

So, I think I digressed from my first question, but would somebody please help me figure out if the hostname is okay for doing what I need to do?



Per @obfuscurity's advice, I am able to access the server from another computer on the network by typing the IP address of the server into the address bar of my web browser. This is all that I wanted to be able to do, so thank-you!

About the server naming issue:

Here are the first two lines from /etc/hosts:    localhost.localdomain    localhost    laughingbuddha.home      laughingbuddha

Originally, laughingbuddha said something else, like someservername (sorry, I can't remember the exact word, not sure it matters too much), but the .home was there, so I just replaced someservername with laughingbuddha.

Could somebody share a resource that I could read and try to understand why I can't access the server via web browser by typing in http://laughingbuddha.home? Being new to this, I am sure there are some fundamental texts that I should study to understand more.

Thanks again!

Best Answer

That is not a valid DNS hostname (there is no .home top-level domain). I would recommend sticking with the default "localhost.localdomain" unless you have a valid need for others to resolve to your host. At the very least, have someone more experienced with TCP/IP networking come show you the ropes.

For now you should be able to just point your browser to the host by IP address.