Hostname (FQDN)


Hello i have a short question. I try to install ipsconfig but it ask for the follow thing.

Full qualified hostname (FQDN) of the server, eg server1.domain.tld  []:

I don't know what i must fill in here. My domain called but i have any kind of name servers. Must i full in my ip adrres or something else?

Edit: or is het my vps hostname?? vps{number}.domain.ext


Best Answer

Do you mean you DON'T have any kind name servers? If this is the case, you can put:

However, you will have to make sure to specify the IP address that this name resolves to in your local host file (/etc/hosts).

An IP address should also work fine. If ISPConfig is on the same machine as the web server, localhost or will also work.