How can I monitor Jboss threads to see the response times and waiting times in real time


We are facing a problem of slowness in performance when the requests are being served from JBoss. We had a web server routing requests to application server and we could see the problem with JBoss's JVM.

how can I monitor Jboss threads to see the response times and waiting times in real time?

Is there any tool which helps to see what are all the threads running (say at a regular perios of two seconds ) and their response times.?

Best Answer

You can use jVisualVM. It is part of the SUN/Oracle JDK, but can also be downloaded as separate program.

It has a tab for the thread overview and also some other metrics (Heap, Overview, ...). You can even connect from remote to your JBoss when you've enabled JMX.

I haven't used it for JBoss, but for Tomcat, should be nearly the same.