How can I present a network diagram on the building that has 3 floors


How can I present a network diagram on the building that has 3 floors? The requirements are to separate the users in one LAN according to their department, what confuses me is on the second and on the Ground floor has Admin staff, what I have is.. in every floor have their on own switch as a Distribution.

This is what I've got so far:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Often with network diagrams, problems arise when you try to attempt to do a logical and physical design in a single diagram.

It is usually easier to both create and read a network layout where these are two separate diagrams.

You could one diagram with your vlan setup with the departmental separation, and another with your hardware setup across the floors.

Sometimes, once you have done this, you'll see a way that you can combine the two in a way that is still interpretable, but don't force it.