How come the netflow data isn’t showing up on the server


I have a mikrotik router and it is sending trafficflow (fully compatible with netflow) data to my debian server that is running cacti. But after installing cacti's flowviewer plugin, cacti doesnt show any information.

The directory I made on the server to hold the netflow data is empty. (I assume this is the problem.) The permissions on that directory are 777.

There was no iptable rule blocking port 2055 but just in case I set:

iptables -A INPUT -p udp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 2055 -j ACCEPT

tcpdump udp port 2055 shows a lot of data coming in.

The time between the router and the server may possibly be a few seconds apart.

I've stopped and started the flow-capture service in between each change.

Does any one have any suggestions?

Best Answer

Something has to be listening for those UDP packets! Otherwise, they're just dropped on the floor.