How do DNS clients choose an IP address when they get multiple answers


When a DNS server is looking up an IP address for a client, and it receives a list of multiple DNS servers to query, how does it choose one? Similarly, when a DNS client receives a list of multiple IP addresses for a FQDN, how does it choose one? Is it implementation specific, or is covered in an RFC?

Best Answer

A DNS server resolving a query, may prioritize the order in which it uses the listed servers based on historical response time data (RFC1035 section 7.2). It may also prioritize by closer sub-net (I have seen this in RFC but don't recall which). If no history or sub-net priority is available, it may choose by random, or simply pick the first one. I have seen DNS server implementations doing various combinations of above.

A client program picking an IP address from a list (of A/AAAA-records) will generally try the addresses in the order they where returned by the DNS server (round robin). If the client cannot connect to the first IP address returned, it should try the second and so on. For example all major browsers do this, however many other Internet client programs "forget" this step and fail if they cannot connect to the first IP address.

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