How do GlusterFS permissions work on Linux


I'm putting together a horizontally scaled Apache/GluserFS setup. I'm trying to figure out how Gluster deals with permissions. I'm going to have several hosts reading and writing to the Gluster File System. I understand the basics of Linux file system permissions (ugo/rwe). I want to give one user (actually one user per host) certain file system permissions.

Basically, I want to give the www-data user (and only the www-data) on each host read/write permissions on the GlusterFS backed web directory tree. Is this possible? Are Gluster file permission based on the name, or the user ID?

Best Answer

From their FAQ GlusterFS is fully POSIX complaint

So you should be able to setup the permissions as you normally would. On linux permissions are based on user id (UID) and group id (GID), which you could check with something like ls -ln the '-n' will return the numerical vaules instead of the 'username'.