How do i configure Squid as a Proxy in a private network


Here is the situation:

We have the following network:

DSL Modem – Switch – User 1, User 2,….

We want it to be:

DSL Modem – Squid Proxy Server – Switch – User 1, User 2,….

The endresult should be, that the endusers can login at their pc, without changing the configuration of their own pc, just as if they are linked directly to the dsl modem (through the switch). Furthermore it should be possible to logg their actions on the server.

Now squid can be configured in many ways, and I am confused which path to choose. Can anyone help me?


Best Answer

That's running Squid in a transparent proxy setup.

There are a number of good articles,

Basically, you set the machine up with Squid as the network default gateway for your client machines (using DHCP) instead of the DSL modem. You use the server to then route to and from the internet, with Squid transparently proxying the HTTP traffic.