How do i find application name using GUID from error in event viewer on Windows Server 2003


A Windows Serve 2003 machine logged an error in Event Viewer with the COM+ Event System, saying it could not marshal the subscriber for a particular subscription and then gave the SID/GUID, which is:

{DF540FFA-D787-4FDF-82E4-4BD5C1302F23}-{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}-{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}.  The HRESULT was 800706BB.

I don't quite understand the error.

I'm trying to look up the GUID to find the application.

I tried opening up the registry and searching for it but it didn't find anything. A google research revealed I need to load the cluster database in the registry and look up the GUID. The problem is I cannot find the CLUSDB file. It is not in %SystemRoot%\Cluster.

What do I need to do to identify the application in question?

Best Answer

Open up regedit and search for the key under:


And the default key should provide you a user friendly name.