How do i set a open_basedir with php using fastcgi/apache2 on linux


I tried to add this line to my virtual hosts in Apache, but failed:

php_admin_value open_basedir "/var/www/users/test"

My installation:

root# apt-get install apache2 apache2-suexec libapache2-mod-fcgid php5-cgi

Any ideas?

Something I noticed in php manual that worried me enough ( open_basedir is marked as PHP_INI_ALL meaning "Entry can be set anywhere" so, even at run-time a user can change it or am I having wrong?*

(*: confirmed, user can NOT change it at run-time)

Best Answer

Setting php ini options in the apache config only affects php when running as an apache module. For CGI / FastCGI, the setting need to be added to the php.ini (or via ini_set - but this doesn't make much sense for open_basedir unless it's via an auto-prepend).