How Do We Nagios On AWS Autoscaling


Previously, setting up Nagios server to do monitoring is easy since every agent servers are static. But now, here comes AWS. How do we design/configure such that a Nagios server can automatically push correct check configurations to each of the servers scaled up/down and how do we know what when a server is scaled down or up, Nagios will not say that it was an alert or a problem and instead it will tell that "it's your server being scaled down".

IP addresses in AWS is not static after the ASG scaled up/down servers. How do we pull that information, too? And tell to Nagios to be aware of new settings that the servers have. Might be that when servers get scaled down, delete config from Nagios, and when servers get scaled up, push config to Nagios. And immediately do active checks to the hosts and services.

Best Answer

The client side isn't really any different in AWS -- your AMI or configuration management system sets up NRPE, installs plugins, etc, as required for your environment.

The server side is where everything goes wild. As you note, AWS ASGs are dynamic, so your Nagios configuration needs to be dynamic, too. Practically, that means that the "source of truth" for your configuration needs to live somewhere outside of Nagios, and you have something that queries that data store and writes the configuration files (and reloads Nagion) when anything changes. Your scripting language of choice will come in handy here. For the "source of truth", there's any number of service registration and discovery systems that'll do the trick, but for simple use cases querying the EC2 API to get a list of instances works quite well.

You then need to teach your EC2 instances to register themselves with your chosen service discovery system on startup, and deregister themselves when they terminate cleanly. There's a strong argument to be made that you shouldn't ever care when a single machine dies, and I agree with it, but if you're using Nagios, your organisation's mindset is probably very set on "machines are important!", and trying to change that overnight is going to be a struggle, so you might have to learn over time that you're in the cattle-herding business now, not running a pet store.