How does one pass Outlook Anywhere settings from the Exchange server to Outlook clients


Exchange 2010 server. Outlook 2007 clients.

I have Outlook Anywhere enabled on the server.

If I have a laptop connected to an outside internet connection not on our corporate LAN and manually configure Outlook Anywhere, it works and I am able to connect to our Exchange server.

As soon as the laptop is brought into our network / domain, the incorrect Outlook Anywhere settings are pushed from the server to the client and Outlook Anywhere breaks.

Here are what the working settings look like:
enter image description here

Here are what the wrong settings that get pushed from the Exchange server look like:
enter image description here

SERVERNAME being the hostname of our Exchange 2010 server.

Any points in the right direction?

Best Answer

Outlook Anywhere can be tricky. One of the better resources for this is a site Microsoft runs that checks it from the outside.

Use credentials you don't mind getting out. Or a test account.

Outlook Anywhere also has different contexts for 'inside' and 'outside' as you're learning.

Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity CAServer -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalURI

That sets what internal clients see.