How Sendmail Determines SASL Listening Location


I'm trying to get SMTP-AUTH working on a Mint Linux 20.2 machine, and I'm having trouble getting authentication to happen. I have installed Cyrus sasl2, and apparently configured it properly – testsaslauthd -u <user> -p <password> -s smtp returns 0: OK "Success." But when I try to send mail from my client using the same credentials, sendmail can't authenticate. What is curious to me is that when I use testsaslauthd entries are generated in my auth log, but when Sendmail tries, there is nothing. Trying to use testsaslauthd from a non-root context also results in no auth entry, which leads me to believe that either sendmail does not have sufficient permission to connect to the sasl daemon, or that it doesn't know where that pipe is and is guessing wrong. So I guess the question is, how does sendmail find that pipe, and who is it being when it does that?

Best Answer

Is your sendmail compiled with SASL? check:

sendmail -d0 < /dev/null | grep SASL

it should list "SASLv2"

Did you activate it in "" ? Example:

define(`confAUTH_OPTIONS', `y')dnl