How important is using identical memory sticks on Intel server boards


I've got an SE7501HG2 board in a server that currently has (unknown make) 4x1GB DDR266 ECC Registered DIMMs installed. The board has three banks, so I'd like to install another 2x2GB.

The following statement appears in the technical specs document for the board:

Note: Intel does not test, recommend,
or support mixing of memory types
within the same server system.
Functionality issues may occur if
mixed memory types are installed in
the same server system. Intel
recommends that memory modules of
identical size, type, banking and
stacking technology, and vendor are
installed in each server system. Intel
will not provide support for issues
encountered when mixed memory
configurations are in use.

Now my gut tells me that this is just one of "those things" they always say to minimize the chance of strange little glitches. The memory I'll add will be from Crucial or some other well-known vendor and be specifically compatible with the board. If this registered stuff was cheaper I'd just replace the existing DIMMs, but at $150+ for 2GB I'd rather just add more.

I'm just reaching out to you guys in case somebody has actually had a problem doing this. Thanks.

Best Answer

Generally speaking you can pretty much mix and match memory speeds these days and the memory controller will cope, running all at the speed of the slowest. But no manufacturer is going to support this as there are effectively an infinite number of combinations and you can bet that some of them would introduce instability through odd timing issues.

You are much less likely, I think, to get away with mixing registered RAM with unregistered or EEC with non-EEC on the same board though.