How is cloud computing differrent from client-server architecture

client-servercloud computing

I want to know the difference between cloud computing and client server architecture. I mean how is cloud computing different from a website that provides me some services. And what is the meaning of elasticity in terms of cloud computing.

Best Answer

Cloud is one of those over-used terms that mean different things to different people. However, since you mentioned elasticity, what that means is the ability to scale resources depending on requirements.

Assume for a moment that there is one VM with 64MB of RAM serving a website. There are only a few people using it. Then suddenly, there is a spike in usage (due to the slashdot effect) and that one VM and 64MB of RAM obviously will not cut it.

At this point, there are different strategies to handle this.

One possibility is to dynamically increase the RAM in the VM. Some services provide a burst-able RAM configuration to do this. Another possibility is to dynamically spawn new VMs that are clones of the existing VM and balance the load over them. This is a form of elastic computing.

The advantage of having this elasticity is resource consumption. There is no need to run a VM with a 4GB of RAM all the time if all it needs is 64MB usually. The resources can be re-allocated as and when necessary. New machines can be spawned and shutdown when needed.

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