How is git supposed to resolve URLs generated by gitlab


Having gitlab successfully installed and running, I tried to import an existing project. To do so I created an empty project and then got a list of instructions on the projects page, how to push my existing repo data into the gitlab project:

    cd existing_git_repo
    git remote add origin gitlab@gitlab.mydomain:root/testproject.git
    git push -u origin master

But when doing so, I get the following message:

    fatal: 'root/testproject.git' does not appear to be a git repository
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

When looking into my repositories folder, the repository has been created there by gitlab and when using the http-URL instead of the git-URL everything is working as expected.

How is git push supposed to know how to resolve from "gitlab@gitlab.mydomain:root/testproject.git" to "gitlab@gitlab.mydomain:/home/gitlab/repositories/root/testproject.git"? Is gitlab supposed to create the git server? If so, where should I start digging to find out why no repository is found where gitlab told me to point my remote at?

Edit: when greping for "root/testproject.git" I get the following results:

    [gitlab@gitlab gitlab]# grep -r "root/testproject.git" *
    gitlab/log/sidekiq.log:Initialized empty Git repository in /home/gitlab/repositories/root/testproject.git/
    gitlab-shell/gitlab-shell.log:I, [2014-01-23T16:38:16.974051 #5390]  INFO -- : Adding project root/cashio.git at </home/gitlab/repositories/root/testproject.git>.

Edit2: If that helps: using git remote set-url gitlab gitlab@gitlab.mydomain:/home/gitlab/repositories/root/testproject.git instead works as expected.

Best Answer

Ok, the reason was pretty simple but not obvious to me. Everything is described here:

It boils down to: one has to use keys with gitlab-shell and have gitlab manage these keys which I didn't know. When using key-authentication and having the keys stored using the gitlab-webinterface, pushing, pulling and cloning now works as expected.