How likely can the data be recovered after Windows CHKDSK performed on a degraded RAID 5 array


We have a RAID 5 setup with 3 SATA disks, #2 went down as reported on the pre-POST screen. Unfortunately, for some reasons beyond my control, the system was rebooted with a degraded RAID :-O

Windows XP (64-bit) loaded, CHKDSK ran automatically and done its recovery!

From that point onwards, the following error prompts every time even in Safe Mode:

lsass.exe – The endpoint format is

I took those 3 disks to the data recovery expert and need to wait at least 2-4 days for results.

There are 2 VMs on multiple files stored in this RAID 5 array, and there's no backup!

Sorry, I just inherited the system from an ex-staff who has left the company 2 months before I joined.

How likely the data can be recovered?

Best Answer

One disk out of a RAID 5 is tolerable. If one disk outage took out the entire RAID 5 array, then what's the point of using RAID 5...?

The RAID array is degraded because you have a disk missing, but the volume on the array is still available. chkdsk knows nothing about the disks in the array so will run.

You should be able to put in another disk and it will repair itself, especially if it's hardware RAID 5 (which it sounds like). It will take time, but I've done it a few times.

Also, if you have doubts, now is the time to take that backup or copy to an external drive etc

As for the lsass error, it's unrelated. A bad RAID would mean no boot, of course.

MS KB 893712 and a Google search for this error


It's software RAID with Intel if it requires a separate app to rebuild. Is there a command line version, say on a bootable CD, to rebuild the array? Like this?

However, the fact Windows boots it useful: on start up, go into the Recovery Console or boot to a Windows CD and choose recovery there. This will allow you to tweak boot.ini based on the KB article/search to see if you can get Windows to boot normally