How many times can you format a hard-drive

formathard drive

I've read mixed cases all over the place regarding the life of a typical hard drive, and if reformatting degrades the disk. If so, could you measure the life of the disk in a practical manner or explain how it can be damaged?

Best Answer

Reformatting any modern hard disk is no different from normal use of the same amount. You cannot actually lay down any track information. Modern hard drives are formatted at the factory using special connectors or special equipment. When you format a modern hard drive, at most you fill the drive with all zeros and maybe map out some sectors that were discovered to be bad.

You will not wear a hard disk out by reformatting any more than normal use will wear it out.

If you are talking about something extreme like continuously formatting a drive, this should be about the same as any continuous read/write access to the drive. You cannot degrade the magnetic medium in any way by doing this, as long as the drive is adequately cooled. A drive that runs at an extreme temperature will definitely have a degraded lifetime.

SSD drives are a different animal where each write gets you closer to eventual failure.