How RAID 1 and RAID 10 become different when there are 8 logical disk


RAID level 01 is the hybrid version of RAID 1 and 0 and this is illustrated below.
enter image description here


In COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCE (NINTH EDITION), by William Stallings, the RAID level 1 for 8 disk is illustrated as follows.

enter image description here

Here when data is filling to the disks the data fills strip by strip like the RAID 0 and therefore, it become similar to RAID 01.
What is the difference between those two?

Best Answer

The 2nd example is not RAID 1, but nested RAID 0+1, mirror of stripes (as 10 is stripe of mirrors).

While it is obvious what's the difference between RAID 0+1 and RAID 1+0 with an odd number of disks, it gets more confusing with an even number of disks. It works exactly the same way with 2, 4, 6 and 8 disks, but I'll use a six disk setup for a clearer visualization:

Six disk RAID 10 and RAID 01

As you can see, you'll end up having very similar disks. With both configurations, you have n/2 capacity, 50% storage efficiency, there isn't huge difference in overall performance, both can always survive one failed drive without data loss, and the theoretical maximum for failed drives for both is n/2.

Yet, RAID 10 and 01 are not identical. During a failure RAID 10 has significant advantage: in a one drive failure all the other mirrors are unaffected, while RAID 01 loses an entire RAID 0 stripe. On a failure RAID 01 leaves half of the drives unprotected, while RAID 10 only leaves its partner.

Comparing a single disk failure

Scott Alan Miller describes this difference in failure and rebuild in detail and comes to clear conclusion:

Because of the characteristics of the two array types, it is clear that RAID 10 is the only type, of the two, that should ever exist within a single array controller. RAID 01 is unnecessarily dangerous and carries no advantages.

Jeffrey B. Layton, in his comparison, looks at the same situation from a perspective of rebuild time:

In the case of RAID-01, you need to access all of the remaining drives in the array to rebuild the loss of a single drive. The reason is that you have a RAID-1 across two sets of drives that are RAID-0. The loss of a single drive means the entire RAID-0 group has failed.

In the case of RAID-10, if a drive fails, the only it’s pair drive is accessed.

  • RAID-01: Amount of data read & written = (n/2) * single drive capacity
  • RAID-10: Amount of data read & written = single drive capacity
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