Ansible – How to Write YAML File for Variables


I started to deploying an ansible server, and i was trying to create 5 users in the client hosts, through a playbook (add5userslist.yaml), with a loop that uses variables in a list from another file (userslist.yaml), but isnt working.

And…this is what ansible retrieves when i try to use this playbook with that list:

Seems like the problem is the list used in fact ansible doesnt even sees that as a list, but well im new in ansible and dont know what should that file have.

the playbook code:

- hosts: GrupoPrincipal

    - include_vars:
        file: /etc/ansible/playbooks/userslist.yaml
        name: userslist
    - name: Add 5 users from a list
       name: "{{ }}"
       password: "{{'abc123.' | password_hash('sha512')}}"
      loop: "{{ userslist }}"

the userlist.yaml code is only this, is the only thing that worked a little:

name: 'user1'
name: 'user2'
name: 'user3'
name: 'user4'
name: 'user5'

@Martin helped me with the problem above, but now im trying with more than 1 item type, doenst seems to work, here is how i have the new code

- hosts: GrupoPrincipal

    - include_vars:
        file: /etc/ansible/playbooks/userslist.yaml
        name: userslist

    - name: Add 5 users from a list and put them in groups
       name: "{{ item.names }}"
       groups: "{{ item.groups }}"
       password: "{{'abc123.' | password_hash('sha512')}}"
      - { names: '{{ userslist.names }}', groups: '{{ userslist.groups }}' }

and the new list yaml:

  - user1
  - user2
  - user3
  - user4
  - user5
  - users
  - users
  - users
  - users
  - users

Best Answer

You're telling to your task to loop over an object who's representing your files variables but loop require a list.

You have to define your var_files like :

  - user1
  - user2

And then in your main playbook, removing "" in order to just use the item, and precise inside your varfile what variable you use :

- hosts: GrupoPrincipal

    - include_vars:
        file: /etc/ansible/playbooks/userslist.yaml
        name: userslist

    - name: Add 5 users from a list
       name: "{{ item }}"
       password: "{{'abc123.' | password_hash('sha512')}}"
      loop: "{{ userslist.users }}"
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