How to access a remote server with a full disk

hard drivewindows-server-2008

There is a remote network which I can VPN to. On this network is a Windows Server 2008 install which I would like manage but the server's disk is full. I have tried:

  • Remote Desktop – fails.
  • Windows Explorer – fails.
  • net use – fails with disk space error.
  • Remote shutdown – fails with disk space error.

Some other things which I thought about but aren't installed are: VNC, telnet server, etc. I cannot restart the server physically.

The server is on a domain which I have administrator rights to, can I do something via Active Directory that would cause the computer to free space? Any other ideas?

Best Answer

Try to use some out of band management like HP ILOM or Dell DRAC.

Or may be you have a serial console enabled on the server? See: SAC

A random person with console access can be helpful too...

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