How to access a site in IIS with no DNS mapping

bindingsiis-7.5ip address

In my IIS 7.5 hosted in a Windows Server 2008 R2 I have several websites with no DNS address assigned. Let's take for instance the site (as named in IIS) with site name mySite. I have for this site the standard binding with no host name.

enter image description here

Suppose that my server IP address is, for instance, Therefore it seems logic to me that in order to access the website, I should place in the address bar of my browser:


in this case:

but it does not work. Shall I specify something else in the bindings?

Best Answer

You will need to use host headers and create the appropriate DNS records to host multiple websites using the same IP Address.

edit: For example, you will need to create bindings for each site. Create a binding for port 80 and enter the in the hostname field and create the dns entry (or setup a local hosts file for testing) to point to that IP Addres. Create a second binding for port 80 and enter in the hostname field and create the DNS entry.

In other words, you can't access those multiple sites without dns mapping or setting up the sites to bind on another port or IP Address

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