How to access and use an AWS RDS reserved instance


I've set up several AWS RDS on-demand instances. Each time, the process was the same, and it included selecting instance type, capacity, storage, etc. When I'm done, and click on the instance icon, I get the end point details, DB name, user name, etc.

Today, I tried setting up a reserved instance, expecting to see the same, but that was not the case. The instance was created, without asking me for storage, DB name, user name or password. I can see the instance in the dashboard, but when I click on it, it does not show me any of these details. I browsed through the AWS RDS details, but could not locate to help me figure out how to connect to the instance, configure the DB, etc. Any ideas where I should be looking for help? This is a MySQL reserved instance.

Best Answer

Reserved instances are a billing construct only.

If you buy a reserved instance for a m1.small in us-west-2a, all that means is that one of your on-demand RDS instances that's an m1.small in us-west-2a receives that lower hourly price (and incidentally, if you delete that instance and make a new one, the reservation's lower hourly rate just shifts onto the new instance). No instance is launched by reserving one.