How to access puppet hash name in templates


I've defined a hash like so in my nodes.pp:

net::addr { "eth5":
        rt => {
                rt1 => {
                        address => '',
                        netmask => '',
                        gateway => '',
                        src     => ''

What I can't get to access is the title of the hash in my templates, so I want to print out the title of the hash i.e. "eth5", how can I do that? Also I have a variable called $int in my define class in the file for my module (/etc/puppet/modules/net/addr.pp), how can I access that using the scope.lookupvar function from this template in the same module?


Best Answer

The variables set in the defined type are available as local scope variables to the contents of a template.

Simply using <%= title %> or <%= int %> in the template should be using the variable that was set for that specific instance of the defined type.