How to access “Server Preferences” on colo-ed Snow Leopard server


We have a colocated Mac OS X 10.6 server, and I need to create a new user on the box. (The existing users were created by me when the box was on my desk.) I'm able to connect to the machine using SSH and also using the Server Admin utility. However, user management appears to require the Server Preferences utility. When I try to connect with Server Preferences, I get this error:

Unable to set node credentials for /LDAPv3/ with the record name [FDQN]$.

There may be a problem with the Open Directory service.

(N.B. I've obscured the actual server name; where it says [FDQN] above, the actual error has the complete name of the server.)

In the server logs, which I can see using Server Admin, I see

Dec 10 11:31:05 eiffel servermgrd[63]: servermgr_accounts: got error 5203 trying to auth to local LDAP node

(N.B. eiffel is the hostname.) I think this is the relevant line; Jabber is flapping for some reason (different problem) and smothering the logs with its attempts to start up.

I'm not familiar with Open Directory, and I don't really want to have to be; I just want to administer my server, in particular to create a new unix user on the box so they can connect via SSH. Thanks for any pointers.

(ETA: My research suggests that VNC would solve this problem. Unfortunately, I need access to Server Preferences to allow VNC access, so that's a Chicken and egg problem. (See what I did there?) Setting up an SSH tunnel sounds like a great idea, but I need a bit more fine-grained advice (which ports on each end?) to put that into practice.)

ETA, 12/16: I'm able to add a new user with the Workgroup Manager utility, which is part of the server tools package. (I suspect I have it on my laptop and not my desktop, which is why I didn't find it sooner.) Even though the urgency is gone, I'm leaving the question open because I still can't connect with Server Preferences.

Best Answer

You could enable Apple Remote Desktop via the command line

As for the SSH tunnel, the main port is TCP 311

ie: ssh -N remoteUsername@remoteServer -L localPort/connectToHost/remotePort


ssh -N remoteUsername@remoteServer -L 311/localhost/311

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