How to add IPv6 to Window Server 2008 when gateway is in a different subnet


I'm having a little difficulty understanding how I add a route in Windows Server 2008 (Web Edition).

I've been allocated a /64 (IPv6) subnet.

I added my IPv6 Address, Subnet Prefix and Default Gateway to the TCP/IPv6 Properties but I'm not sure how to add a "route."

My web hosts documentation says:

Since the gateway is in a different subnet, a route is necessary:

ip route add 2a01:4f8:61:20e0::1/59 dev eth0

ip route add default via 2a01:4f8:61:20e0::1

However, I don't know how to translate this and do it on a Windows server.

Is anyone able to give me any pointers?


Best Answer

Well to put it simply, the documentation is wrong. You cannot have a gateway that is not in "your" subnet. Since I think I understand what they meant, I'll try to correct it:

Dear Customer,

  • you have been placed in a subnet 2a01:4f8:61:20e0::1/59.
  • Please use a gateway 2a01:4f8:61:20e0::1, that is properly within your subnet.
  • But please do not use IP addresses out of the range 2a01:4f8:61:20e1::1/64. These addresses are not for you.