How to aggregate new apache logs lines from multiple machines every hour


I've built a system that needs to collect new apache logs from four machines every hour, merge them, process them and store them. For the task of collecting the new logs I've written a bunch of cron script that reads in the line of already sent lines and start sending only the new lines, then store the new line number. This is synchronized with a merging script using some .lock files.

Although this is working quite well I would like to substitute this system with a more reliable system with good error handling and perhaps autodetect of new log files (they are rotated every day). Is there something I could use to do this kind of task?
Thank you!

Best Answer

There are many solutions for collecting/monitoring logs.

Some of them: syslog, syslog-ng, logsurfer, splunk... and I think much more. But I will recommend syslog-ng.

It is very configurable (for example he can store logs in database wich sometimes is very useful), elastic and do all you want.

With syslog-ng and MongoDB you can make quite fun stuff using mojology(A simple application to browse syslog messages stored in MongoDB, as logged by syslog-ng).

You can use any of this software.

Zabbix can collect logs but it's much more harder to configure what you want.

Syslog is not bad idea but sysylog-ng has much more features. Here is comparison of syslog and syslog-ng

So I would choose syslog-ng :)

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